Back to Basics: Cleaning/Disinfection Saving Lives

Back to Basics: Cleaning/Disinfection Saving Lives

Infection prevention is a big subject. During the 2020 pandemic, people were frightened with the prospect of contracting COVID-19 and they still are. Many became obsessed with complicated details or new theories about disinfecting every kind of surface they touched. I believe we should concentrate on simple, important ideas or activities…back-to-basics.

In this book, I employ 34 years of cleaning and housekeeping wisdom, and avoid waterborne disease, disinfection of medical devices, and other topics outside the scope of cleaning for health.

My Assumptions
In writing this e-book, I made some assumptions about you. I imagined that:
 You clean something, somewhere, regardless of whether you are a person responsible for cleaning a school, office building, restaurant tables or a medical facility.
 You are involved in an occupation that puts you at risk of infection.
 Most of all, you want to clean and disinfect to protect human health and save lives.

Back to Basics: Cleaning/Disinfection Saving Lives
  • Darrel Hicks Bio

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  • Back to Basics Part III A: Choosing and Using Disinfectants

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