Darrel Hicks Bio
Back to Basics: Cleaning/Disinfection Saving Lives
2m 3s
Who is Darrel Hicks???
Real life means bacteria, viruses and fungi. Real life means infections caused by
unsanitary conditions. Knowing how to fight the agents of disease is important to
anyone who just wants to build their knowledge of infection prevention. The simple
cleaning of environmental surfaces may be one of our key defenses in the current and
future battle against infectious disease.
Hi, I am J. Darrel Hicks and I am excited be an integral part of the Infection Control
University. The knowledge we share here is important for managers and staff
responsible for cleaning a school, office building, medical or other facility, or anyone
who has an interest in professional infection control.
Started career in the management of hospital housekeeping services in 1981 and
retired in 2014 as the Director of Environmental services at a 500-bed, award-winning
hospital in the United States.
Darrel Hicks specialize in B2B consulting, webinar presentations, seminars and facility consulting services related to cleaning
and disinfection.
Immediate Past President of the Healthcare Surfaces Institute (2019-2020) a
non-profit organization that focuses on the role that surfaces play in the transmission
of disease.
Past President of the International Executive Housekeepers Association
during the term 2006-2008.
Darrel is recognized as one of the subject matter experts in infection prevention
and control as it relates to cleaning. He has written and published numerous articles in
professional journals as part of his commitment to providing a cleaner, safer, and
healthier indoor environment.
Darrel spent time consulting with hospitals and corporations of various sizes regarding
improving their message about the Value of Clean.
In 2010, Darrel authored “Infection Prevention for Dummies”, a 43-page, pocket-
size book that emphasizes the role that proper cleaning and disinfection plays in
saving lives and the bottom line. Over 50,000 copies were sold.
Darrel's new eBook " Back to Basics Cleaning and Disinfection Saves Lives" is the updated version containing COVID-19.
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