Pathway Forward: Ten Things needed to Know to Open Businesses
Back to Basics: Cleaning/Disinfection Saving Lives
8m 30s
What will your standard operating procedures (SOPs) for cleaning look like when the pandemic subsides? Will the cleaning of your business return to "normal"? What will "normal" look like? What is the pathway forward for your business?
Here are ten things that you should consider when re-ordering your priorities for maintaining a safe environment for your customers, patients, and team members.
1. For most people “clean” means the absence of visible dirt. In your current SOP for cleaning, you might advise front-line staff to “clean” surfaces until the visible soil is gone. However, the data shows that potentially unsafe levels of pathogens can remain on visibly clean surfaces.
When it comes to thoroughly cleaning surfaces, we need to get rid of the term “clean when visibly soiled.” There are more than enough Corona virus-laden bacteria (about a billion!) in the size of a pinhead to transmit the pathogen. When your staff is given the instruction to clean “visibly soiled” touchpoint surfaces, are they looking for soil the size of a pinhead?
No! That is why we should eliminate the term “clean when visibly soiled” from SOPs and clean every surface.
Up Next in Back to Basics: Cleaning/Disinfection Saving Lives
Back to Basics Part I: Identifying th...
Identifying the Enemy
In This Part
► Introducing microorganisms and common “bugs”
► Understanding infection transmissionWhat you don’t see can hurt you. Invisible to the naked eye, a world of microorganisms lives in or on your skin, your mouth, on the floor, and on doorknobs, cell phones, wall...
Back to Basics Part II A (Video One):...
In This Part
► Hand Hygiene v. Safe surfaces
► Following your mother’s advice
► Cleaning up dirt
► Attacking biofilmAlthough cleanliness may be next to godliness, it is also very closely related to disinfection. In fact, cleaning can avert the need to disinfect in some situations because clean ...
Back to Basics Part II B (Video Two):...
Clean is a condition free of unwanted matter that has the potential to cause an adverse or undesirable effect. Cleaning is the fundamental management process of putting unwanted matter in its proper place to achieve a clean condition. Your staff should understand these definitions and be able to ...