Free  Videos Back to Basics - Cleaning and Disinfection that Saves Lives

Free Videos Back to Basics - Cleaning and Disinfection that Saves Lives

Real life means bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Real life means infection. Real life is a worldwide pandemic that kills millions of people. Knowing how to fight the agents of disease is important to anyone who wants to clean for health and not JUST for appearance’s sake.

Whether you are a hospital, assisted or long term care, business, restaurant, retailer...your patients, visitors, customers, team expect a clean and safe environment.

A recent survey found the following:

Even after receiving COVID-19 vaccinations, many Americans will continue to follow safety guidelines and prioritize facilities that are committed to cleanliness. A recent survey from Stratus Building Solutions found 88% of Americans plan to remain “extra cautious” of potential germs even after they become fully vaccinated.

The survey asked 521 employed Americans, aged 25 to 54, a series of questions about cleaning, disinfecting, vaccination, and workplaces. The main takeaway was most respondents plan to remain “clean freaks” for the unforeseeable future.

A majority said they will be extra cautious of germs at restaurants (80%) and stores (81%). The next areas eliciting caution include airports and transportation hubs with 77% or respondents reporting they will be cautious in those areas, followed by gas stations and workplaces (74%), hotels (72%) , gyms (71%), schools (64%), friends’ homes (62%) and their own homes (56%).

Free  Videos Back to Basics - Cleaning and Disinfection that Saves Lives
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    Real life means bacteria, viruses and fungi. Real life means infections caused by
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    cleaning of environmental ...

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